08 English

Welcome to the Georgia-Kai's Web Site

The Georgia-Kai is an association of people with special ties with the State of Georgia. The association was established in 1985 with only seven members who just returned from their assignment in Georgia. Today, we have multiple corporate members and nearly 100 individual/family members, mainly in Tokyo and the surrounding areas.

 Every year, we plan and host events for members, such as a Christmas Party, golf outings, cultural events, and tours to deepen our friendship. In addition, it is our pleasure to host teachers and school personnel from Georgia every summer when they visit Tokyo as a part of the "Educators Program." We also publish a bi-monthly "On My Mind" newsletter to share the latest information about Georgia and our association.

 If you want to join the Georgia-Kai, please e-mail administration@gerogia-kai.org with your name and contact information. We have both corporate membership and individual/family membership.

 I appreciate your interest in the Georgia-Kai, and we look forward to seeing you at the next event!

2018 Christmas Party

2018 Fall Event Guided City Tour and a lunch at "Niwa no Hotel"


Fall of 2015: Visited Tsukiji Fish Market area.


Fall of 2012: Visited Zojoji, Tokyo Tower, Atagoyama and NHK Museum with Tokyo City Guide Club people.




Summer of 2011: Visited the new Haneda International Terminal Building with a special guided tour. 



INDEX:  Currently Section 01- 07 are in Japanese only. Please click the links listed on the top left column.


01. Message from the Chairman

02. About Georgia-Kai

03. Announcement

04. "On My MInd"

05. Photos

06. Links

07. Membership

08. English